One of my most treasured memories of Matt is of the first time we ever listened to music together. We were at my house and I was showing him some of my favorite cds. I was a bit embarrassed at my cd collection; it was certainly nothing to brag about,…
grief recovery – part I
When I realized that being a Grief Recovery Specialist meant dealing with my own grief first, I wanted to jump off the bus.
metta meditation for times of powerlessness and frustration
As a person with an “advocate” personality type, the capacity for dangerous amounts of empathy, an easily triggered pain body* and an American, these times are troubling. This isn’t a political blog, but it is a blog about people, peace, and loss. So I think this topic is relevant. Whether…
how to mother yourself when others just don’t get it
If your family or friends are not able to be supportive after the death of a loved one, you can tap into your own ability to comfort yourself. You do not need to justify your pain. You do not need to defend or explain yourself. You do not need to…
what was underneath
What's beneath all of the pain.
the green
Spring is here - the process of winter giving way to spring is a lovely way to look at the grief journey.
the thing about guilt
When a loved one dies - no matter how it happens - there are bound to be things that keep us up at night. Things we would change if we had the opportunity. Here are some new ways of looking at guilt and finding the freedom from it that you…
a mother’s faith
Written shortly after the death of her son, this poem captures the pain and yearning of a mother following the suicide of her beloved child.
tangible assets
Could you open yourself up to the possibility of your immense value, even if it's difficult? Some of us may never make that leap, may never come to the realization that we're both valued and valuable. Either that, or we don't take into account our body's worth in the first…
about the pain
A short poem about how the pain changes over time.
how peace i leave got its name
The name peace i leave is a mission statement. Not only to be the voice of the passed, but also to offer comfort to the grieving. If the art and words here can bring people together and be of comfort, it has fulfilled its purpose. It is my hope and intention…
journaling through pain and loss
Here are a few ideas for those who would like to journal through pain and loss. Keep in mind that the ideas featured here depend on the person who is journaling, as well as on the state of mind they're in - the ideas that seem appealing to one may…